Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election notes:

8:46 - Here's what I'm looking at on CNN right now in the New Jersey Senate race:

Kean: 52%
Menendez: 47%

Projected winner: Menendez

Say what? Lou Dobbs ran through some vague explanation about exit polls and the demographic makeup of the counted precincts, and why that means Menendez has won already, but still... isn't this how all the networks made fools of themselves in 2000?

CNN has some very weird broadcast quirks. Why didn't they give Anderson Cooper a desk? He has to walk around awkwardly asking panelists questions, and while they answer he has to stand on the other side of their one long desk like he's Richard Dawson or something. And what's with the handheld camera work? They ran out of dollies or something? It looks unprofessional and weird.

Casey and Rendell have both been projected winners. Hallelujah.

More later, probably.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

it's about time! i've been sitting here for MINUTES waiting for this entry.