Saturday, April 21, 2007

Bjork is on SNL

I haven't really made it a point to watch Saturday Night Live since... well, I don't know if I ever did. I mean, I know there were times when I used to get excited when some of my favorite artists would appear on SNL, but I can't remember of them now. Beck, I guess? Oh, and Elliott Smith. Those were both late 90s probably (I remember Beck playing "Nobody's Fault But My Own" and Elliott playing "Miss Misery").

Anyway, SNL is not appointment television for me because I am an adult, and I like to be doing things on Saturday nights that don't involve watching TV. So what do I do when arguably my favorite artist ever (at the least, top 5, like it matters) is going to be on SNL performing a song I probably haven't heard yet? Also, live Bjork performances don't exactly come a dime a dozen these days.

Luckily, the year is 2007, and there is a very simple solution: YouTube! I wait until Monday, I see her performance when I want, where I want, and I don't have to tolerate Scarlett Johansson mumbling her way through half a dozen mediocre sketches featuring some guys I've never seen before.

Hooray for The Internet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like some of bjork. hope you're enjoying the ps2.