Tuesday, October 16, 2007

more Radiohead, real quick

I think the problem when I had my first listen to In Rainbows last week may have been that I didn't have the speakers up loud enough, because there are some really rockin' songs on that album. They just rock in that weird, intense way that only Radiohead can rock.

In particular, I found the first "HOLY GOD HOW IS THIS BAND SO AMAZING" moment that I was missing before: the second half of "Bodysnatchers" just kills. It's easy to forget that, while in the context of some of their early 00s albums, these songs are fairly conventional, but these are some weirdly structured songs. I compared "Bodysnatchers" to "The National Anthem" before, based on the little instrumental break, but that's turning out to be a more apt comparison than I thought it was at the time, because the two are structured pretty similarly. And, as "The National Anthem" served as one long buildup to that horn-fueled freakout, "Bodysnatchers" also builds to a climax that is admittedly less far-out, but still damned effective. ( If you want to get really particulary, they also both feature false cooldowns near the end.)

Anyway, that song is awesome, and In Rainbows is definitely growing on me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you hear? Some 60% didn't pay for the album. Cheap bastards.