Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Larkin Grimm went (more) insane or something

Long time readers (if there are any left) of this here corner o' the ol' Internet may remember that I have had kind words in the past for neo-hippie/cosmic freakout virtuoso Larkin Grimm. I kind of forgot about her for awhile, listened to her new album last year a handful of times but didn't really get real into it, and recently was looking through the list of my friends on MySpace (yeah, yeah, shut up) and clicked on her page. Here's what she's saying about her new stuff:

"Most of my recent music deals with acoustic and psychoacoustic properties of sound. In performances, I like to gradually fill a room with sounds that interfere with one another in the air. Each sound on its own is steady and flat, but when several of these sounds collide, they produce rippling rhythmic patterns, resultant psychoacoustic frequencies, and fluctuations in air pressure that can be sensed physically in space. These sounds come out of loudspeakers in the form of electronic feedback, and directly from my body in the form of throat singing and long violin drones. With this activity I attempt to merge my bodily, acoustic presence with amplified electronic sound, to create a third sound that is happening entirely within the air of the performance space."

I don't think "psychoacoustic" is a word that actually exists, but maaaaaan I bet that's really freaking cool. Or irritating. Or cool for me and irritating for most people. Larkin! Come back to Philly! There's no way that stuff sounds half as good recorded as it probably does live.

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