Tuesday, July 24, 2007

a chest-unloading rant about the dumbest crap in the world


Lindsay Lohan, please go away.


I don't want to go on a stupid rant, although I'm probably going to anyway. Just go away. Don't ever let me see you again. I don't want to hear about your addictions, your using rehab and (supposed) redemption as a way to further your career, and then the subsequent relapses. I'm sick of it. I don't want to hear about your apparent near-illiteracy, hilarious though it may be. I damn sure don't want to see you in any movies.

Basically, I'm not entirely convinced that Lindsay Lohan is a real person. I haven't seen her portrayed that way anywhere. If she is a real person, and not a media creation to sell trashy magazines and provoke blogging dorks into incoherent diatribes, I doubt she sees herself as a real person, or if she does, she doesn't see the world as a real place. The whole thing is just so cliched that I can't even laugh anymore. She's the ultimate symbol of the 21st century: a vacuous nobody propped up to make us feel superior to somebody, whom we despise even as we can't look away, as she spirals down toward her inevitable tragedy with ever-increasing speed.

And at the center of it all is a poor, deluded girl who, like so many people in the world, learned to treat her problems with booze and drugs (I'm one to talk, right?), and is rewarded with the attention that she so desperately craves. So her ankle monitor becomes a fashion accessory, and, by extension, a mockery of the entire concept of self-betterment. And she lands in headlines for her stint in rehab, and two weeks later for a cocaine-related arrest.

Ugh. I'm tired of it. Doooooooone with it.

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