Friday, May 19, 2006

Bush-bashing from Tom? Shocking!

One of the many things I've hated about the way George W. Bush has run the country is his tendency to make everything a black-and-white issue with no middle ground. You're with us or you're with the terrorists! You support my tax cuts or you're an evil tax-and-spend liberal! You support No Child Left Behind or you're against education! And so on and so forth. And what annoyed me almost as much is the number of people who bought it, dismissing guys like John Kerry as wishy-washy without actually realizing that what he was saying wasn't aimless and empty, it was just intelligent and nuanced.

So with that in mind, the irony presented in this article is almost too much for me.

Ahhhhh, sweet sweet schadenfreude.


Elizabeth said...

all i can say is that he is a tool. because so many things have pissed me off in the past however many years that i can't even put the dislike into words anymore.

Lauren said...

I completely agree with that one, Tom, I just have forgotten about it. I try to pretend he doesn't exist. He's pretty much the worst person ever, and in the words of Henry Rollins 'should get hit by a car.' A lot of people who would argue with me about how John Kerry sucked when that whole election thing was going down would say 'but he's so wishy-washy' and I would pleasantly respond 'WELL WHAT THE FUCK!??? THERES NO GRAY AREA!??? I LOVE THE GREY FUCKING AREA! WHEN YOU IGNORE THE GREY AREA, YOU ARE IGNORING THE BASIC FALLACY OF HUMAN LIFE...THAT NOTHING IS BLACK AND WHITE, YOU EFFING! PIECES! OF! SHIT! CONSERVATIVE ASSHOLES!"

or something of that nature. However, I try to pretend people that I don't like just don't exist. Like Carlos Beltran, for instance.