Saturday, January 21, 2006

Tom's Best of 2005: #1

All right, my apologies for this being so ridiculously late. At least three people have been waiting for this for a little while, and possibly more. Next year, if I do this, I'll need to be more disciplined, or more realistic with my self-imposed time restraints. Anyway, without further adieu:

Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase - I can't really explain why I love this record any more than I can explain why a sunset is beautiful, or why we fall in love. It just is, and I just love it. I've already discussed once the intangible greatness of Boards of Canada, so I don't really feel the need to do so again. I'll simply let it be known that every time these guys put out a record, and it sounds at least a little like their previous work, it will be more or less a shoe-in for #1 on any of these lists I make. Their music exists on a different plane than other music. It is so inherently joyous and beautiful that it hardly matters whether or not it is an improvement over their last outing. A Boards of Canada album that is merely competent is more spectacular than anything most other bands can even imagine, and as long as Boards of Canada sound like Boards of Canada, I'll always have a special place for them.

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