Saturday, June 21, 2008

I got the new Animal Collective EP, Water Curses, recently. Today I put the CD in my computer to listen to it. iTunes could not quite identify it:

"Multiple matches were found for this CD. Choose one:

Ace of Base - All That She Wants [single]
Animal Collective - Water Curses EP"

Uhh... all right.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mike Myers

Mike Myers.

God, just fucking stop it. Seriously.

For fuck's sake, dude. I used to think of "Sprockets" in my head and recall it fondly. Now I think "Sprockets" and think "fucking Mike Myers sucks." I don't want to look it up on YouTube for fear that I might actually find it funny.

I mean, Christ, if it's not another fucking Austin Powers movie, it's another dip in the ol' cash well for Shrek. And now this Love Guru thing. God. I don't know what the hell that horseshit is, I just know every time I see a commercial for it on TV I want to punch Mike Myers in the throat.

And let's not forget YOU, America! Why on Earth do you people keep giving this idiot money? Don't you know that only lets him keep doing this? Don't you realize that when The Love Guru has a huge opening this weekend, that only guarantees that he'll make another Cat in the Hat movie? Why are you doing this to yourselves? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Plastic Ono Band